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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CHypertable::__directory_iterator< _Tp, _NodePtr, _DiffType >
 CHypertable::__directory_node_internal< _Value, _Compare, _Allocator >
 CHypertable::__directory_iterator< _Tp, _NodePtr, _DiffType >::__subdirectory_iterator
 CHypertable::__detail::__swappable< _Tp >
 CHypertable::AccessGroupAccess group
 CHypertable::AccessGroupGarbageTrackerTracks access group garbage and signals when collection is needed
 CHypertable::AccessGroupHintsFileReads and writes access group "hints" file
 CHypertable::AccessGroupOptionsSpecification for access group options
 CHypertable::AccessGroupSpecAccess group specification
 CHypertable::AllocatorBase< T >Base classes for all Allocator classes
 CHypertable::AllocatorBase< void >Disallow AllocatorBase for the type 'void' by generating a compiler error if it's used
 CHypertable::ApplicationHandlerBase clase for application handlers
 CHypertable::ApplicationQueueInterfaceAbstract interface for application queue
 CHypertable::ApplicationQueue::ApplicationQueueStateApplication queue state shared among worker threads
 CHyperspace::AttributeHolds extended attribute and value
 CHypertable::BarrierA Barrier to block execution of code
 CHypertable::Base64Provides base64 encoding and decoding functions
 CHypertable::BasicBloomFilter< HasherT >A space-efficent probabilistic set for membership test, false postives are possible, but false negatives are not
 CHypertable::BasicBloomFilterWithChecksum< HasherT >A space-efficent probabilistic set for membership test, false postives are possible, but false negatives are not
 CHyperspace::BDbHandlesManages namespace and transient state database handles
 CHyperspace::BDbTxnManages transaction state
 CHyperspace::BerkeleyDbFilesystemHyperspace filesystem implementation on top of BerkeleyDB
 CHypertable::BlobA Blob structure holds a data pointer and a size
 CHypertable::BlobHashTraits< HashFunT >Traits for BlobHashSet Hash function default to MurmurHash2 for speed and mix
 CHypertable::BlockCompressionCodecAbstract base class for block compression codecs
 CHypertable::BlockHeaderBase class for block headers
 CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::BrokerAbstract class to be implemented by brokers
 CHypertable::SshOutputCollector::BufferFixed-size buffer to hold a portion of output
 CHypertable::LoadStatistics::BundlePOD-style structure to hold statistics
 CHypertable::ByteStringA class managing one or more serializable ByteStrings
 CHypertable::RequestCache::CacheNodeInternal cache node structure
 CHypertable::HqlInterpreter::CallbackCallback interface/base class for execute
 CHypertable::CanonicalizeStatic class with methods for canonicalizing table and namespace names
 CHypertable::CellEncapsulates decomposed key and value
 CHypertable::CellCacheManagerManages the cell cache of an access group
 CHypertable::CellListAbstract base class for cell lists (sorted lists of key/value pairs)
 CHypertable::CellPredicateCell predicate
 CHypertable::CellStoreBlockIndexArray< OffsetT >
 CHypertable::CellStoreBlockIndexArray< int64_t >
 CHypertable::CellStoreBlockIndexArray< uint32_t >
 CHypertable::CellStoreBlockIndexElementArray< OffsetT >
 CHypertable::CellStoreBlockIndexIteratorArray< OffsetT >Provides an STL-style iterator on CellStoreBlockIndex objects
 CHypertable::CellStoreFactoryFactory class for creating CellStore objects
 CHypertable::CellStoreTrailerAbstract base class for cell store trailer
 CHypertable::Lib::Master::ClientClient interface to Master
 CHypertable::Lib::RangeServer::ClientClient interface to RangeServer
 CHypertable::ClientObjectBase class for Hypertable client objects
 CHypertable::ClusterDefinition::ClusterDefinitionRepresents a cluster definition
 CHypertable::ClusterIdProvides access to the cluster ID
 CHypertable::ColumnFamilyOptionsSpecification for column family options
 CHypertable::ColumnFamilySpecColumn family specification
 CHypertable::CommEntry point to AsyncComm service
 CHypertable::CommAddressAddress abstraction to hold either proxy name or IPv4:port address
 CHypertable::CommAddressHashHash function (functor) for CommAddress objets
 CHypertable::LocationCache::CommAddressPointerLtSTL Strict Weak Ordering for comparing CommAddress pointers
 CHypertable::CommBufMessage buffer for holding data to be transmitted over a network
 CHypertable::CommHeaderHeader for messages transmitted via AsyncComm
 CHypertable::CommitLogBlockInfoHolds information about an individual block
 CHypertable::CommitLogBlockStreamAbstraction for reading a stream of blocks from a commit log file
 CHypertable::ClusterDefinitionFile::CompilerCompiles a cluster definition file into an executable bash script
 CHypertable::ConnectionHandlerFactoryAbstract class for creating default application dispatch handlers
 CHypertable::ConnectionInitializerDriver interface for connection initialization handshake in ConnectionManager
 CHypertable::ConnectionManager::ConnectionStatePer-connection state
 CHypertable::Config::Cons< CarT, CdrT >Helpers to compose init policies; allow to combine two policies into one
 CHypertable::Config::Cons< NullPolicy, PolicyT >
 CHypertable::ConsoleOutputSquelcherTemporarily redirects stdout and stderr to /dev/null
 CHypertable::CpuInfoA structure to retrieve CPU information (vendor, model, speed, number of cores etc.)
 CHypertable::CpuStatA structure to retrieve CPU statistics (system wide cpu times, idle time etc)
 CHypertable::CronologTime based rotating log
 CHypertable::CrontabTracks timing of periodic events
 CHypertable::crontab_entryBinary representation of crontab spec
 CHypertable::CryptoProvides cryptographic functions
 CHypertable::CstrHashTraits< HashT >Traits for CstrHashMap/Set
 CHypertable::DefaultPageAllocatorA memory allocator using std::malloc() and std::free()
 CHypertable::Hql::Parser::definition< ScannerT >
 CHypertable::MetaLog::DefinitionDefines the set of valid MetaLog entities for a server
 CHyperspace::HsParser::Parser::definition< Scanner >
 CHypertable::ResponseManagerContext::DeliveryRecRecord holding response delivery information for an operation
 CHypertable::directory< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Allocator >Directory container class
 CHypertable::directory_entry< _Key, _Tp >
 CHypertable::DiscreteRandomGeneratorGenerates samples from a discrete probability distribution in the range [0, max_val] by transforming a uniform [0, 1] distribution into the desired distribution
 CHypertable::DiscreteRandomGeneratorFactoryStatic factory class for discrete random generators
 CHypertable::DiskStatA structure to retrieve disk statistics (read/write IOPS, transfer rates etc)
 CHypertable::DynamicBufferA dynamic, resizable and reference counted memory buffer
 CHypertable::EndpointHigh-level entry point to a service; wraps a host:port pair
 CHypertable::MetaLog::EntityHeaderEntity header
 CHypertable::HyperspaceTableCache::EntryCache entry for Hyperspace table data
 CHypertable::MaintenanceFlag::EqualEquality function for pointers
 CHypertable::EventNetwork communication event
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 CHypertable::ExceptionMessageRendererHelper class to render an exception message a la IO manipulators
 CHypertable::ExceptionMessagesRendererHelper class to render an exception message a la IO manipulators
 CHypertable::ExpireTimerState record for timer
 CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::Request::Handler::FactoryFactory class for constructing application handlers from request events
 CHypertable::FailureInducer::failure_inducer_stateInternal structure to store a single failure setting
 CHypertable::FilesystemAbstract base class for a filesystem
 CHypertable::FileUtilsStatic functions to easily access and handle files and the file system
 CHypertable::FlyweightStringThe Flyweight string set stores duplicate strings efficiently
 CHypertable::FragmentDataAccumulates phantom update data for a phantom range
 CHypertable::FsStatA structure to retrieve Filesystem statistics (total size, free size, used size etc)
 CTools::client::fsbroker::FsTestThreadFunctionThread function class for fsbroker test
 CHypertable::GroupCommitInterfaceAbstract base class for group commit implementation
 CHypertable::ApplicationQueue::GroupStateTracks group execution state
 CHypertable::HandlerMapData structure for mapping socket addresses to I/O handlers
 CHypertable::MaintenanceFlag::HashHash function class for pointers
 CHypertable::BlobHashTraits< HashFunT >::hasher
 CHypertable::CstrHashTraits< HashT >::hasher
 CHypertable::MetaLog::HeaderMetalog file header
 CHypertable::HostSpecificationConverts host specification pattern to list of host names
 CHypertable::HqlHelpTextHolds and provides access to help text
 CHypertable::HqlInterpreterThe API of HQL interpreter
 CHypertable::Master::HyperspaceMasterFileFacilitates operations on the master file in Hyperspace
 CHypertable::HyperspaceTableCacheProvides efficient lookup of Hyperspace table data
 CHypertableConnectionCopyright (C) 2007-2015 Hypertable, Inc
 CHypertable::IndexUpdaterHelper class for updating index tables
 CHypertable::IndexUpdaterFactoryFactory class for creating IndexUpdater objects
 CHypertable::InteractiveCommandAbstract base class for simple interactive shell commands
 CHypertable::IOHandlerBase class for socket descriptor I/O handlers
 Cstd::ios_baseSTL class
 CHypertable::Config::Join< PolicyListT >
 CHypertable::QueryCache::KeyHash key to query cache
 CHypertable::KeyProvides access to internal components of opaque key
 CHypertable::BlobHashTraits< HashFunT >::key_equal
 CHypertable::CstrHashTraits< HashT >::key_equal
 CHypertable::LiveFileTrackerTracks files that are live or referenced for purposes of maintaining the 'Files' METADATA column
 CHypertable::LoadAvgStatA structure to retrieve load average-statistics
 CHypertable::LoadStatisticsComputes application load statistics
 CHypertable::LocationCacheThis class acts as a cache of Range location information
 CHypertable::LocationCacheKeyKey type for Range location cache
 CHyperspace::LockRequestEncapsulates a lock request for a file node
 CHypertable::LogReplayBarrierBlocks requests until specific commit log has finished replaying
 CHypertable::Logger::LogWriterWrites to stdout
 CHypertable::lt_ctipComparison functor for ClusterTableIdPair objects
 CHypertable::BalancePlanAuthority::lt_move_specStrictWeakOrdering class for set of RangeMoveSpecs
 CHypertable::LtCellStoreBlockIndexElementArray< OffsetT >
 CHypertable::ConnectionManager::LtConnectionStateStringWeakOrdering for connection retry heap
 CLtCstrSTL Strict Weak Ordering for comparing c-style strings
 CHypertable::DispatchHandlerOperation::LtEventPtrStrict Weak Ordering for comparing events by source address
 CHypertable::CellListScannerBuffer::LtKeyValueTSTL Strict Weak Ordering for KeyValueT
 CHypertable::PageArena< CharT, PageAllocatorT >::LtPageRemainPredicate which sorts by size
 CHypertable::LtTimerHeapComparison function (functor) for timer heap
 CHypertable::MaintenanceQueueQueue for periodic maintenance work
 CHypertable::MaintenanceSchedulerSchedules range server maintenance
 Cmd5_contextMD5 context structure; this structure is used to store the internal state of the md5 algorithm
 CHypertable::MemoryTrackerTracks range server memory used
 CHypertable::MemStatA structure to retrieve memory statistics (RAM size, used size, free size etc)
 CHypertable::MergeScannerAccessGroupMerge scanner for access groups
 CHypertable::MergeScannerRangePerforms a scan over a range
 CHypertable::MetricsMetrics interface
 CHypertable::MetricsCollectorAbstract metrics collector
 CHypertable::MurmurHash2Helper structure using overloaded operator() to calculate hashes of various input types
 CHypertable::MutexWithStatisticsMutex that maintains wait threads count
 CHypertable::NameIdMapperEasy mapping between a Table/Namespace name string to ids and vice versa
 CHypertable::Lib::Master::NamespaceFlagNamespace operation bit flags
 CHypertable::NetInfoA structure to retrieve network information (host name, primary interface, primary address, gateway etc)
 CHypertable::NetStatA structure to retrieve network statistics (receiving rate, transmitting rate etc)
 CHypertable::NotificationMessageHolds a notification message to be deliverd to the administrator
 CHypertable::NumericFormatterDigitsThe fast numeric formatters, very much inspired from http://cppformat.github.io/
 CHypertable::OperationProcessorRuns a set of operaions with dependency relationships
 CHypertable::ResponseManagerContext::OperationRecRecord holding completed operation information
 CHypertable::OsInfoA structure to retrieve operating system information (name, version, vendor, architecture)
 CHypertable::PageArena< CharT, PageAllocatorT >::PageA structure to manage a single memory page which is used to allocate smaller memory chunks
 CHypertable::PhantomRangeRepresents a "phantom" range
 CHypertable::PhantomRangeMapProvides a mapping from table name to TableInfo object
 CHypertable::Config::PolicyInterface and base of config policy
 CHypertable::PollDescriptorTSocket descriptor poll state for use with POSIX poll()
 CHypertable::PollTimeoutMaintains next timeout for event polling loop
 CHypertable::ProcInfoA structure to receive process information (pid, user name, exe name, working directory, program arguments etc)
 CHypertable::ProcStatA structure to receive process statistics (CPU user time, system time, virtmal machine sizes etc)
 CProfileCopyright (C) 2007-2015 Hypertable, Inc
 CProfileTableCopyright (C) 2007-2015 Hypertable, Inc
 CHypertable::PropertiesManages a collection of program options
 CHypertable::ProtocolAbstract base class for server protocol drivers
 CHypertable::Lib::RangeServer::ProtocolMaster client protocol information
 CHypertable::ProxyAddressInfoHolds address and hostname associated with a proxy name
 CHypertable::ProxyMapMaps a set of proxy names to their associated IP addresses
 CHypertable::PseudoTablesSingleton class holding Schema objects for pseudo tables
 CHypertable::QueryCacheQuery cache
 CHypertable::QueryCache::QueryCacheEntryInternal cache entry
 CHypertable::RandomConvenience interface for random number and data generation
 CHypertable::RangeRepresents a table row range
 CHypertable::RangeAddrInfoHolds range location
 CHypertable::RangeDataHolds pointers to a Range and associated Range::MaintenanceData
 CHypertable::RangeInfoHolds pointer to range and cached start and end rows
 CHypertable::RangeLocatorLocates containing range given a key
 CHypertable::Lib::RS_METRICS::RangeMeasurementSingle range metrics measurement
 CHypertable::Lib::RS_METRICS::RangeMetricsAggregates metrics for an individual range
 CHypertable::RangesHolds vector of RangeData objects and memory arena
 CHypertable::RangeSetInterface for removing a range or changing its end row in a Range set
 CHypertable::RawSocketHandlerAbstract base class for application raw socket handlers registered with AsyncComm
 CHypertable::ReactorManages reactor (polling thread) state including poll interest, request cache, and timers
 CHypertable::ReactorFactoryStatic class used to setup and manage I/O reactors
 CHypertable::ReactorRunnerThread functor class for reacting to I/O events
 CHypertable::MetaLog::ReaderReads a MetaLog
 CHypertable::Lib::RS_METRICS::ReaderInterface class for reading RangeServer metrics
 CHypertable::PageArenaAllocator< T, ArenaT >::rebind< U >
 CHypertable::StlAllocator< T, Impl >::rebind< U >
 CHypertable::CellCacheAllocator< T, Impl >::rebind< U >
 CHypertable::BalancePlanAuthority::RecoveryPlansHolds plans for each range type
 CHypertable::RecoveryStepFutureTracks outstanding RangeServer recover requests
 CHypertable::ReferenceManagerHolds references to operations that are to be manually removed
 CHypertable::RefHolder< T >Helper class used to pass a parameter to the ScopeGuard by reference
 CHypertable::RegexProvides utility functions for regular expressions
 CHyperspace::ReplicationInfoEncapsulates replication state
 CHypertable::RequestCacheClass used to hold pending request callback handlers
 CHypertable::ApplicationQueue::RequestRecRequest record
 CHypertable::ResponseCallbackThis class is used to generate and deliver standard responses back to a client
 CHypertable::ResponseManagerManages the sending of operation results back to clients
 CHypertable::ResponseManagerContextImplementation shared by ResponseManager objects
 CHypertable::DispatchHandlerOperation::ResultHolds request result information
 CHypertable::DispatchHandlerOperationSystemStatus::ResultHolds result of a RangeServer status request
 CHypertable::QueryCache::RowKeyRow key information
 CHypertable::ScanBlockEncapsulates a block of scan results
 CHypertable::Lib::ScanCellsThis class takes allows vector access to a set of cells contained in an EventPtr without any copying
 CHypertable::ScanContextScan context information
 CHypertable::ScannerMap::ScanInfoHolds scanner information
 CHypertable::Lib::ScanLimitStateTracks row and cell limits used to enforce scan limit predicates
 CHypertable::ScannerMapMap to hold outstanding scanners
 CHypertable::SchemaSchema specification
 CHypertable::Barrier::ScopedActivatorA helper class to put up a barrier when entering a scope and take it down when leaving the scope
 CHypertable::ScopeGuardImplBaseBase class for the ScopeGuards
 CHypertable::SendBackRecDescribes portion of an update buffer rejected due to error
 CHypertable::SerializableMixin class that provides a standard serialization interface
 CHypertable::ServerLauncherLaunches external commands and redirects their output to a file; kills the external process when going out of scope
 CHypertable::Lib::RS_METRICS::ServerMeasurementSingle server metrics measurement
 CHypertable::Lib::RS_METRICS::ServerMetricsAggregates metrics for an individual RangeServer
 CHypertable::ServerStateHolds dynamic server state
 CHyperspace::SessionHyperspace session
 CHyperspace::SessionCallbackA callback object derived from this class gets passed into the constructor of Hyperspace
 CHypertable::ConnectionManager::SharedImplConnection manager state shared between Connection manager objects
 CHypertable::SleepWakeNotifierDelivers sleep and wakeup notifications
 CHypertable::SockAddrEqualEquality predicate functor class for InetAddr
 CHypertable::SockAddrHashHash functor class for InetAddr
 CHypertable::SshOutputCollectorCollects buffers of output from execution of remote SSH command
 CHypertable::SshThreadsCallbacksThread callbacks for libssh
 CHypertable::StaticBufferA memory buffer of static size
 CHypertable::CellCache::StatisticsHolds cache statistics
 CHypertable::StatsSerializableAbstract base class for managing serialized statistics
 CHypertable::FsBroker::Lib::StatusManagerManages file system broker status
 CHypertable::StatusPersisterPersists program status information to disk
 CHypertable::StopwatchMeasures elapsed time between instantiation (or a call to start) and a call to stop
 CHypertable::StringCompressorPrefixA class to prefix-compress strings
 CHypertable::StringDecompressorPrefixA class to decompress prefix-compressed strings
 CHypertable::SubPropertiesHelper class to access parts of the properties
 CHypertable::SwapStatA structure to retrieve Swapping statistics (pages swapped in/out, aggregate total numbers etc)
 CHypertable::TableInfoMapManages live range map and set of log names that can be safely removed
 CHypertable::TableMutatorAsyncCompletionCounterTracks outstanding RangeServer update requests
 CHypertable::TableMutatorCompletionCounterTracks outstanding RangeServer update requests
 CHypertable::TableSplitRepresents a table split
 CHypertable::TclHashHelper structure using overloaded operator() to calculate the Tcl hashes of various input types
 CHypertable::TclHash2Helper structure using overloaded operator() to calculate the Tcl hashes of various input types (using tcl_hash2, the faster implementation)
 CHypertable::TermInfoA structure to retrieve terminal information (lines, columns etc)
 CHypertable::TestFun< FunT >Helper class wrapping the invocation of a single test function
 CHypertable::TestHarnessA simple test framework which sets up the logging subsystem, can compare its output against a golden file or regenerate the golden file
 CHypertable::TestStatAccumulates min, max, mean and stdev of the test results; based on the Welford method for numerical stability (see http://www.johndcook.com/standard_deviation.html)
 CHypertable::Status::TextStatus text string constants
 CHypertable::TimerA timer class to keep timeout states across AsyncComm related calls
 CHypertable::TimeWindowDefines a time window
 CHypertable::PageArena< CharT, PageAllocatorT >::TinyBufferA small buffer (128 bytes) to satisfy very small memory allocations without allocating a page from the heap
 CHypertable::ClusterDefinitionFile::ToJsonCompiles a cluster definition file into an executable bash script
 CHypertable::ClusterDefinitionFile::TokenCluster definition file token
 CHypertable::ClusterDefinitionFile::TokenizerSplits cluster definition file into tokens
 CHypertable::TransferLogCreates a unique range transfer log pathname
 CHypertable::ClusterDefinitionFile::TranslationContextContext used to translate cluster definition statements
 CHypertable::ClusterDefinitionFile::TranslatorAbstract base class for translators
 CTweetCopyright (C) 2007-2015 Hypertable, Inc
 CTweetTableCopyright (C) 2007-2015 Hypertable, Inc
 Cstd::unordered_map< K, T >STL class
 Cstd::unordered_set< K >STL class
 CHypertable::UpdateContextContext record for update request passed into UpdatePipeline
 CHypertable::UpdatePipelineThree-staged, multithreaded update pipeline
 CHypertable::UpdateRecRangeSpecifies a range of updates (key/value pairs) within a buffer
 CHypertable::UpdateRecRangeListHolds updates destined for a specific range
 CHypertable::UpdateRecTableHolds updates destined for a specific table
 CHypertable::UpdateRequestHolds client update request and error state
 CHypertable::UsageHelper class for printing usage banners on the command line
 CUserCopyright (C) 2007-2015 Hypertable, Inc
 CUserTableCopyright (C) 2007-2015 Hypertable, Inc
 Cstd::vector< T >STL class
 CHypertable::WordStream::word_infoInternal structure for a single word
 CHypertable::WordStreamA class generating a stream of words; the words are retrieved from a file and can be randomized
 CHypertable::ApplicationQueue::WorkerApplication queue worker thread function (functor)
 CHypertable::MetaLog::WriterWrites a MetaLog
 CHypertable::XmlParserBase class for XML document parsers